Monday, June 9, 2008

Week 3/Thing 5: Exploring Flickr

our little library
Originally uploaded by huskersak
Since the entire Clark Middle School library is living in boxes for a few years, I took a snapshot of our personal library instead. (Well, a portion of it anyway!) This is the current rotation that's housed in our living room and contains most of the current favorite bedtime stories. Life is good!

I uploaded this image via Flickr using the "blog this" button and it was easy enough. I didn't have an updated Yahoo Flickr account until now, but was vaguely familiar with the site because I have friends who post and share photos there.

I have to be honest: I am not a Flickr fan! I think my brain is too linear for it or something... I am really more of an Ofoto gal. (Okay, Kodak Gallery... but I still think of the site by its original name!) I don't think Ofoto qualifies as a Web 2.0 tool so I must be old-school at the ripe old age of 36!

I will say that I like the "search" function at Flickr. It's pretty slick to be able to search for photos with the tags. I often use the site when I'm looking for ideas... for example, if I'm baking my darling boy a train birthday cake, then I like to use Flickr for ideas of what other people created. It's also very "smart" software, automatically importing the camera you used, date you took the photo, date you uploaded it, etc. Almost scary.

I'm just not crazy about the organization and share tools. Maybe it's just that I'm not as familiar with it, but I really prefer the "albums" I can create on Ofoto as opposed to the photostreams, sets, batches, etc. on Flickr. When friends and family share slideshows from Snapfish or Ofoto I prefer those to viewing on Flickr as well... go figure!

If someone can point out what I'm missing, just let me know. Maybe I'll become a convert when I move on to Thing #6!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I haven't explored all the features of Flickr by any stretch of the imagination. I'm just guessing that one difference between Flickr and say Kodak Gallery is the degree to which one wants to share their photos. I use Kodak for the family albums that I share only with family. Flickr seems to be geared more towards people wanting to share their photos with the world. I think it is wonderful that so many people do want to share. And I am starting to feel like I should "contribute" just so I feel better about "using" the photos there. But quite frankly I hardly have time to share the family shots, much less sort through for the ones I'm willing to make public.

Now..anyone else have an observation to share?